Vol. 6 – Health literacy of urban organizations. A practice-oriented handbook. Eds.: Izumi Klockmann, Johanna Heeg, Olaf von dem Knesebeck, Martin Härter, Daniel Lüdecke. Oekom Science, Munich. Available as (german) PDF-version for free via Open Acess.Als PDF-Version kostenlos via Open Access verfügbar.
(Publication: 04.04.2024; in German)
Main Topics:
- In recent years, science has increasingly focused on individual health literacy. Information and services relating to health are difficult for many people to find, understand or use.
- Therefore, in addition to individual health literacy, organizational health literacy is also becoming increasingly important. The idea is that healthcare facilities help people to find their way through the complex healthcare system.
- The research project “Organizational Health Literacy in the Hamburg Region (OHL-HAM)” developed a catalog of criteria regarding organizational health literacy. This is an important contribution to better organizational health literacy and quality assurance in the Hamburg region and beyond.