Urban Health digiSpace

…is a digital learning-platform, initiated by the Hochschule für Gesundheit Bochum (Prof.in Heike Köckler) around the topic ‘Urban Health’.


It presents a wide range of opportunities for all those who are interested in this transdisciplinary topic; whether occupational, in their studies or in their free time – and also for all those who do not yet have much thematic experience. The following aspects, for example, will be taken up:

  • Dementia-friendly living spaces
  • Intra-community (health) care for children and young people in the Ruhr region
  • Urban planning for the elderly
  • Exploring Places with the Place Standard Tool
  • Co-Creation Approach for Healthy and Sustainable Neighborhoods:
    The Example of Nature-Based Solutions

The educational offering should continue to grow. Therefore it is worth to visit the website from time to time to see what is new.

To the website

Participants can use a variety of learning opportunities on Urban Health, in two components :

  • E-learning formats:
    accessible information with which everyone can further educate themselves independently and at any time (see here).
  • Mutual exchange:
    Regular thematic exchange through practical and goal-oriented formats for learning and generating new joint knowledge (currently planned: annually; for information on the next session, see here).


More information about Urban Health digiSpace