The project amore is a follow-up project of autonomMOBIL, which focuses on “Out-of-home mobility and health of elderly people in the context of vulnerability and resilience in the neighbourhood”.
Project Participants: |
Funding: | Dr. Pritzsche Foundation in the German Stifterverband |
Cooperation: |
Duration: | 10/2018 – 12/2020 |
Maintaining everyday mobility and activity outside the home is a prerequisite for participation in social life, maintaining independence and ensuring quality of life and health in old age. In the course of demographic change, the importance of this issue is even increasing in view of the very high rate of ageing. The emergence and consolidation of car-dependent settlement structures, but also climatic stresses, air-hygienic problems, noise impacts and perceived insecurity in public spaces can be factors that can have a negative impact on the exercise of external mobility – especially walking. Disadvantages of a socio-economic and socio-spatial nature can exacerbate disadvantages due to age. Older people are a particularly vulnerable group in this respect. The question arises as to which indicators and patterns of personal and environmental resilience and vulnerability can be identified for older people with regard to their everyday mobility outside the home.
The amore project builds on the cooperation between the Frankfurt Forum for Interdisciplinary Research on Ageing (FFIA) at the Goethe University Frankfurt am Main and the ILS, which was established in the previous project autonomMOBIL, and uses findings and data from the dissertations of Kerstin Conrad (ILS) and Susanne Penger (FFIA). The project deepens the field of tension between person- and environment-related risk and protection factors for the maintenance of mobility in old age, also taking into account climatic factors, and analyses complex causal relationships with physical and mental health at the interfaces of person-environment interaction.
Conrad, K., Penger, S. (2020). „Bei Hitze gehe ich nur raus, wenn es wirklich nötig ist!“ Empirische Befunde zum Erleben und Verhalten älterer Menschen bei Hitze und Kälte in der Stadt. In: ProAlter, 52 (1), 12–15 (
Conrad, K., Oswald, F., Penger, S., Siedentop, S. (Hrsg.).(2020). Themenheft: Alter(n) und Klima: Altern in der Stadt von morgen – Herausforderungen angesichts des Klimawandels. ProAlter, 52, (1) (
Schlicht, W. (2020). Im Alter zu Fuß in die Stadt? Aber doch nicht bei der Hitze! ProAlter, 52(1), 7-10.
Conrad, K., Penger, S. (2019): Summer in the City: Wie ältere Menschen der „Heißzeit“ in der Stadt begegnen. ILS-TRENDS, Ausgabe 1/19, Dortmund.
Penger, S., Oswald, F., Wahl, H.-W. (2019): Altern im Raum am Beispiel von Wohnen und Mobilität. In K. Hank, F. Schulz-Nieswandt, M. Wagner, & S. Zank (Hrsg.), Alternsforschung. Handbuch für Wissenschaft und Praxis (S. 413–444). Nomos Verlag.
Conrad, K., Oswald, F., Penger,S., Reyer, M., Schlicht, W., Siedentop, S., Wittowsky, D. (2018): Urbane Mobilität und gesundes Altern. Personen- und Umweltmerkmale einer generationengerechten Stadtgestaltung – Zur Arbeit der Forschungsgruppe „autonomMOBIL“. In Fehr, R. & Hornberg, C. (Hrsg.), Stadt der Zukunft – Gesund und nachhaltig. Brückenbau zwischen Disziplinen und Sektoren (Band 1; S. 291-319). München: oekom verlag.