At the center of this research program is an ensemble of junior research groups and projects that develop appropriate strategies and concepts for a sustainable development of urban areas at the interface of science and society. Each junior research group is hosted and supervised by a research consortium. The program is funded by the Fritz and Hildegard Berg-Foundation.
1. UrbanLandscapes & Health:
Coordinated by the Faculty of Health Science, Bielefeld University.
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2. Salus:
The city as a healthy living place independent of social inequalities
Coordinated by the Department of Spatial Planning, Technical University Dortmund. Read more…
3. AutonomMobil:
The elderly-friendly city – autonomy and sustainable mobility in the context of climate change
Coordinated by the Institute of Sport Science, Stuttgart University. Read more…
4. Project HealthyLiving:
Strategy & planning instrument for a sustainable development of health-promoting green living environments in the city of the future
Coordinated by the research group Multifunctional Landscapes at the Integrative Research Institute on Transformations of Human-Environment Systems (IRI THESys) at Humboldt University Berlin.
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