Salus: The city as a healthy living place independent of social inequalities


  • Integrated examination of effects from salutogenic and pathogenic factors on humans, taking social inequalities into account
  • Action guided by the overall models of sustainability and health promotion
  • Consideration of urban planning and governance as well as Public Health, including their respective instruments, procedures and actors

Project description:

Logo JuFo2

In addition to the analysis of urban structures and processes explaining social inequalities in environment and health, the focus of this project is the development of strategies that make a city a healthy place to live in. Furthermore the two topics of urban planning and of public health are being intertwined. Based on a transdisciplinary approach, a dialogue and close interaction in research with the practice partners from the cities of Dortmund and Munich is planned to take place. In addition, the project pursues the advancement of the Healthy Cities Network concept “Healthy City! Healthy Life” to the slogan:” Healthy Cities for All!”.

Project period: 2012-2015

Approach / implementation / methodology:

  • Developing methods that enable an integrated assessment of individual factors in the context of social inequality
  • The analyses will be contextualized internationally through a world-wide comparison of strategies for sustainable healthy metropolises, belonging to the WHO Healthy Cities Network
  • Stakeholder analysis, instrument analysis, decision support system, integrated assessment of multiple exposures in situations of social inequality; international comparison
  • Simulation game with practitioners, designed to make decisions for a sustainable healthy metropolis and to convert them into appropriate strategies
  • Reference cities are Dortmund and Munich, which are members of the Healthy Cities Network
  • Existing data, in particular from spatial monitoring and health reporting is integrated into a decision support system that creates an action-related benefit for local actors

Coordination of the junior-research group:

  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sabine Baumgart: Instruments of a health-promoting urban development, International experience in capitals, Technical University of Dortmund, Department of Urban und Regional Planning, Department of Urban and Regional Planning
  • Dr. rer. pol. Heike Köckler & Dr. Ing. Andrea Rüdiger: City as a healthy place to live independently by social inequality,

Project partners

Ph. D. students

  • Ursula Hemetek: Participative cooperation structures
  • Steffen Schüle: Integrated assessment of multiple stressors
  • Rehana Shrestha
  • Raphael Sieber: Instruments of a health-promoting urban development
  • Lisa Waegerle: International experiences in metropolises

An overview of the completed dissertations can be found here.

Student Assistants

  • Lisa Maurer, Daniel Simon, Dipl.-Ing. Ines Standfuß

Reference Cities

Practice Partner



Waegerle, L. (2021): Gesundheitsbezogene Stadtverhältnisse und Gerechtigkeit. Einsichten in gewobene Denk- und Wissenspraktiken. Dissertation. Raumplanung. TU-Dortmund. Available here…


Köckler, H., Baumgart, S., Blättner, B., Bolte, G., Flacke, J., Hemetek, U., Rüdiger, A., Schüle, S.A., Shrestha, R., Sieber, R., Waegerle, L. (2018): Stadt als gesunder Lebensort unabhängig von sozialer Ungleichheit – Die Forschungsgruppe “Salus”. In: Fehr, R., Hornberg, C. (Hrsg.): Stadt der Zukunft – Gesund und nachhaltig. Brückenbau zwischen Disziplinen und Sektoren. Edition Nachhaltige Gesundheit in Stadt und Region / Band 1, Oekom-Verlag, München, S. 265-290.

Köckler, H., Fehr, R. (2018): Health in All Policies: Gesundheit als integrales Thema von Stadtplanung und -entwicklung. In: Baumgart et al. (Hrsg.): Planung fur gesundheitsfordernde Stadte. Akademie für Raumordnung und Landesplanung, Forschungsbericht der ARL, Hannover, S. 70–86.

Shrestha, R. (2018): Interactive map-based support systems: supporting social learning and knowledge co-production on environmental health issues. University of Twente, Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC). Dissertation. ITC. Universität Twente. Enschede.

Shrestha, R., Flacke, J., Martinez, J., van Maarseveen, M. (2018): Interactive Cumulative Burden Assessment: Engaging Stakeholders in an Adaptive, Participatory and Transdisciplinary Approach. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15 (2).


Schüle, S.A., Gabriel, K.M.A., Bolte, G. (2017): Relationship between neighbourhood socioeconomic position and neighbourhood public green space availability: An environmental inequality analysis in a large German city applying generalized linear models. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 220 (4): 711–718.

Shrestha, R., Köckler, H., Flacke, J., Martinez, J., van Maarseveen, M. (2017): Interactive Knowledge Co‐Production and Integration for Healthy Urban Development. Sustainability 9 (11).

Sieber, R. (2017): Gesundheitsfordernde Stadtentwicklung: Eine Untersuchung stadtplanerischer Instrumente unter Einbeziehung des Setting‐Ansatzes der Gesundheitsförderung. Dissertation. Raumplanung. TU-Dortmund. Available here…


Flacke, J., Schüle, S.A., Köckler, H., Bolte, G. (2016): Mapping Environmental Inequalities Relevant for Health for Informing Urban Planning Interventions – A Case Study in the City of Dortmund, Germany. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 13 (7).

Schüle, S.A., Fromme, H., Bolte, G. (2016): Built and socioeconomic neighbourhood environments and overweight in preschool aged children. A multilevel study to disentangle individual and contextual Environmental Research 150: 328–336.

Shrestha, R., Flacke, J., Martinez, J., van Maarseveen, M. (2016): Health Related Socio-Spatial Inequalities: Identifying “Hotspots” of Environmental Burdens and Social Vulnerability. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 13 (7).


Hemetek, U. (2015): Hindernisse fur Teilhabe von benachteiligten Migrantengruppen am Programm “Soziale Stadt”. Public Health Forum 02/2015 (87) “Migration und Gesundheit”: 100–102.

JuFo Salus (2015a). Gesundheitsfördernde Stadtentwicklung für Alle in Dortmund: Die JuFo Salus im Dialog mit Dortmunder Akteuren. Dokumentation des Workshops zu Interventionen und Maßnahmen für eine gesundheitsfördernde Stadtentwicklung vom 31.10.2014, TU Dortmund.

JuFo Salus (2015b). Gesundheitsfördernde Stadtentwicklung für Alle in München: Die JuFo Salus im Dialog mit Münchener Akteuren. Dokumentation des Workshops zu Interventionen und Maßnahmen für eine gesundheitsfördernde Stadtentwicklung vom 07.10.2014, TU Dortmund.

Schüle, S.A., Bolte, G. (2015): Interactive and Independent Associations between the Socioeconomic and Objective Built Environment on the Neighbourhood Level and Individual Health: A Systematic Review of Multilevel Studies. PloS One 10 (4): e0123456.


Köckler, H., Blättner, B., Bolte, G., Flacke, J., Rüdiger, A., Baumgart, S. (2014): Gesundheitsfördernde Stadtentwicklung für alle: Gemeinsam den Bestand entwickeln. UMID Schwerpunkt: Umwelt und Gesundheit in Stadtentwicklung und -planung: 23–29.

Shrestha, R. et. al. (2014). SUSS Revisited: An interactive spatial understanding support system (IUSUSS) for collaborative spatial problem-structuring.


JuFo Salus (2013a): Gesundheitsfördernde Stadtentwicklung für Alle in Dortmund: Die Jufo Salus im Dialog mit Dortmunder Akteuren. Dokumentation des Workshops zu Themen und Indikatoren vom 10. September 2013, TU Dortmund.

JuFo Salus (2013b): Gesundheitsfordernde Stadtentwicklung für Alle in München: Die Jufo Salus im Dialog mit Münchener Akteuren. Dokumentation des Workshops zu Themen und Indikatoren vom 08. Oktober 2013, TU Dortmund.

Köckler, H., Flacke, J. (2013): Health-related inequalities in the global north and south – A framework for spatially explicit environmental justice indicators. In: Javier Martinez (Hg.): 14th N-AERUS / GISDECO Conference. 14th N-AERUS / GISDECO Conference. Enschede, 12-14 September 2013. NAERUS. Available here…


JuFo Salus (2012). Gesunde Städte für Alle. Gemeinsame Strategien von Stadtplanung und Public Health. PLANERIN, 5/2012, 47-48.


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