Meanwhile, numerous institutions also in Germany have resumed dealing with the topic “Urban Health”. The project “UrbanHealth” selected institutions (by no means exhaustively) which deal with this topic in an interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral way.
The “Yellow Pages for Urban Health” compactly present these protagonists with their activities in the area of urban development and health on the basis of publicly accessible information.
In the current version, the focus is set on the activities of the Research Program “Cities of the Future”. To complete and improve the presentation for the future, feedbacks and additional suggestions are welcome.
HafenCity University Hamburg
The Department of Urban Planning and Regional Development held the conference “City of the Future: Green and healthy? Sustainable and health-promoting development of urban areas in the 21st century”.
Technical University Dortmund
Among other activities, the coordination of the Junior Research Group Salus is hosted by the School of Spatial Planning. In addition, this department is involved, for example, in academic field trips and the development of the “Fachplan Gesundheit” (Local health plan).
University of Bielefeld
The Junior Research Group UrbanLandscape & Health is hosted by the Faculty of Health Sciences – Bielefeld School of Public Health. Involvement in academic field trips, the development of the “Fachplan Gesundheit” (Local health plan) and “Leitfaden Gesunde Stadt” (Healthy city guideline). The conference “Health-promoting Urban Landscapes of the Future” was organized here in 2014.
University-Hospital Bonn
The GeoHealth Centre of the Institute of Hygiene & Public Health was involved in the consortium of the Junior Research Group UrbanLandscape & Health. It conducts interdisciplinary research on the multifaceted significance of water for urban health, on urban health-sensitive climate adaptation and on urban places of health well-being.
University of Bremen
The Institute for Public Health and Nursing Research is conducting research on urban health and environmental justice at the interface between social and environmental epidemiology. In projects such as the Junior Research Group Salus and AFOOT, approaches to a health-promoting urban development are being pursued.
University of Duisburg-Essen
The Center for Urban Epidemiology explores the links between urban systems and health opportunities / risks. The profile area “Urban Systems” conducts applied research on metropolises.
University of Stuttgart
Activities of the Institute of Sport Science included hosting the Junior Research Group autonomMOBIL.
Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
Organization of the conference in Bolzano “Stadt der Zukunft: gruen, gesund, lebenswert” (City of the future: green, healthy, and livable) in 2012.
Public Institutions
Academy for Spatial Research and Planning (ARL), Hannover
Since 2013 working group “Planning for health-promoting urban development”, including position paper (2014).
Bauministerkonferenz (Conference of Ministries of Construction) (ARGEBAU)
Since 1999, federal-state program “City Districts with Special Development Needs – The Socially Integrative City”.
Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA), Köln
Coordinates the nationwide cooperation network “Equity in Health”, which includes 60 organizations with a focus on “health promotion in the city district”.
Centre for Health in North Rhine- Westphalia (LZG.NRW),
Bielefeld | Bochum | Muenster
Projects: “European Urban Health Indicators System”, “Movement and Health-promoting Community”; initiator of the “Fachplan Gesundheit” (Local health plan) and “Leitfaden Gesunde Stadt” (Healthy city guideline).
German Council for Sustainable Development (RNE)
Promotes sustainable development in the sense of Agenda 21 (1992).
Federal environment agency (UBA), Dessau
Multiple developments and projects, including the National Environmental Health Action Plan (NEHAP), Local Agenda 21 – Environment and Health, and Environmental Justice developments (e.g. in urban areas).
German Institute of Urban Affairs (Difu), Berlin
Coordination of the working group “Health Promoting Local and Urban Development” (since 2002); Project topics include adaptation to climate change (KommAKlima) and Environmental Justice.
Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy
Organization of the conference “Stadtwandel als Chance – für Klima, Umwelt, Gesundheit und Lebensqualität” (Urban change as an opportunity – for climate, environment, health and quality of life) in 2013
Professional Societies
Society of Hygiene, Environmental Medicine and Prevention
Expertise for health implications of physical environmental factors; since 2014 Committee “Urban Health”.
Association for Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA Association), Hamm
Expertise on environmental impact assessment; since 2008 working group “Human Health”, including guidelines “Human Health as the subject of protection” (2014).
Fritz and Hildegard Berg-Foundation,
member of Deutsches Stiftungszentrum / German Centre for Foundations, Essen
Since 2011: research program “Cities of the Future – healthy, sustainable metropolises” including Junior Research Groups, conferences and the project “Building bridges across disciplines and sectors”.
Healthy Cities Network (GSN)
German branch of the international Healthy Cities network (founded in 1988); featuring symposia, fora of competency, centers of competency
Association for Health Promotion in Berlin and Brandenburg
(Gesundheit Berlin-Brandenburg e.V.)
Since 2003, in cooperation with the Federal Centre for Health Education: Coordination of Cooperation Network “Equity in Health” to support health promotion for socially disadvantaged groups; projects for community health promotion in the city state of Berlin and the surrounding area.
Hamburg Consortium for Health Promotion Association (HAG)
Projects for community health promotion in the city state of Hamburg.